

Postishe Hair, notre nom de marque, emprunte son essence au français (Postiche), un terme que nous avons choisi de réinventer, de démystifier. Il évoque l'idée d'ajouter des accessoires naturels ou artificiel pour "remplacer.


Postishe Hair is much more than a brand, and extensions are much more than just accessories for black women.

These are what we call “ protective styling ” solutions: it’s more like hair care than fantasy. It is therefore an integral part of the hair routine of the majority of black women; 60% of them use it. This is why the quality of our products, and the experience of our users, is one of our priorities.

Lorraine Ouamandji, founder of Postishe Hair.

La vision de la créatrice ;

I want to offer an opportunity to women who have never dared to wear hair extensions.

I work with passion to make Postishe Hair more than just a hair extensions brand. my goal is to create a movement that celebrates the diversity of textures and styles, providing an opportunity for women to feel beautiful and confident, whether they choose to wear their hair natural or with extensions.

The brand's vision is rooted in inclusion and empowerment, aiming to create a community where every woman feels represented and valued. With Postishe Hair, I want to revolutionize the hair extension industry by offering quality protective styling solutions, tailored to the needs and experiences of users.


Au cœur de la vision de Postishe Hair réside le désir d'encourager chaque femme à exprimer son unicité, à arborer un style unique, à cultiver la confiance en soi et à se réinventer pour poursuivre sa propre réussite.

La femme Postishe Hair se distingue par son audace, sa passion, sa confiance et son optimisme.

Pour elle, les extensions capillaires vont au-delà d'être de simples accessoires ; ce sont des éléments essentiels pour façonner sa personnalité et magnifier sa féminité.

Toujours à la recherche de nouvelles idées capillaires uniques et originales, elle aime jouer avec elles pour dévoiler sa créativité.

Postishe , or rather (Postiche) is a French term, which we wanted to divert, standardize and which simply means: artificially replacing something natural. What if you were given the choice to replace or add other natural hair to your natural hair? Would it make any difference that you are going to incorporate a little something extra into your hairstyle? We would say no, because wearing hair extensions or wigs is a natural act for us.